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The World Race is everything I ever dreamed of.

Though it will come with hardships, I know the sacrifices will be well worth it. I’ll be sacrificing Western complacency and self-absorption. I’ll be embarking on a life-changing adventure with the sweetest and wisest of people, all while I’m following God’s calling to serve and help others in need all across the globe. I’ll be surrounded by a Godly community that loves well. (I LOVE YOU, MY TEAM!!!) I’ll be spending intentional time with the Creator of it all–  deepening my relationship with the One who really matters. I’ll be building a strong foundation for all that I will face after Gap Year. 

I’ve always known I was meant for something more. God set a unique desire on my heart to GO and SERVE!!!

I’ve never felt very drawn to college; when all my friends started talking about college and what colleges they were dreaming of going to, I felt a little left out. I had no desire to go to college right after high school. When I first heard about the World Race gap year, my heart jumped with glee. I talked to my mom about it, and she was so stoked that I was interested in doing it! My mom did ministry with YWAM for three years in Mexico, Europe, Jamaica, the Caribbean, and Australia and LOVED it. We prayed about it, I started and completed my application, submitted and got accepted!!

My name is Rachel Farner, and I will be doing the World. Race. Gap. Year!!!

I will be going to NICARAGUA, THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, ESWATINI, and SOUTH AFRICA for around 2 months each! In those countries, I will be serving with my Development route team (which might be around 30-45 people)! A month prior to leaving, I will be in Georgia for training camp! There I will be living the dream life in a tent, building relationships with my team, prepping for each country, praising God every step of the way, and making God the center of it all! 

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15

However, I am struggling with doubts, fear, and worry. Leaving all I know behind for 9 months is a little frightening. Raising 15k also adds a little stress. But I know this is in GOD’s hands, and this is God’s calling for my life. I have been working for a year to save up for this mission trip, my parents and grandparents will be contributing, and I would love it if YOU would partner with me financially to help me reach my dream! 🙂 If you’d like to set up a one-on-one conversation with me about the Race whether it be in person, over FaceTime, or call, please reach out to me! My phone number is 503-442-4306.

Any amount is contributing to something huge and is appreciated SO DEEPLY! If you feel led to right now, there’s a donate button you can press near the top right of my blog if you scroll up. Additionally, please pray for me as I go on this journey and as I prepare! I need all the prayers I can get 🙂


Thank you for reading my blog, it means the world. I love you all!

– Rach


2 responses to “Why World Race Gap Year?!”

  1. I am so proud of you for following the dream God had put on your heart! We will definitely be contributing to your mission trip! 🙂

  2. Rach! i am beyond proud of you!!!! so stoked to see you build the Kingdom and exalt the Lord